The Albanese government's proposed changes to the Family Law Act seek to prioritise the safety and wellbeing of children in custody disputes. However, the announcement has sparked a heated debate among legal professionals and experts, with some expressing concern over the potential impact of the reforms. As a leading law firm specialising in family law matters, the team at Ramsden Family Law have carefully examined the proposed legislative reforms to the Family Law Act. Our legal experts have evaluated the proposed changes, potential pros and cons and provided an analysis of their implications. Read More.
Independent Children's Lawyers (ICLs) are appointed by the Family Court and specialise in representing children who face challenges during parental separation. Private Lawyers are taking on ICL responsibilities understand that their compensation does not correlate with the extensive work required. Nonetheless, they proceed with their duties, aiming to propose solutions to the Court that can positively impact the children involved. Reece Ramsden, Partner and Director, sheds light on the crucial yet inadequately funded nature of this role. Read More.
Recently, a loving father who lost his 20-year-old son in 2019, discovered a devastating lie after the child’s mother sent him a chain of text messages two years after the child’s death.Throughout the child’s life, the father lived with the child’s mother until he was seven, then shared custody of him and contributed to expenses and paid $400 a week in child support until the child turned 18. Read More.
The Ramsden Family Law team was successful in a recent appeal by the husband against interim spousal maintenance orders. The appeal is a great example showing how the Courts revisit and review a decision where there has been an error of law. Read More.
Family Dispute Resolution (FDR) is an affordable, time-efficient, and collaborative process. It involves the resolution of parenting matters through lawyers, collaborative practice, conciliation and/or mediation, often with a child-focused aim in mind. It is a highly recommended method of resolving your dispute, and it is compulsory to attempt for parenting matters prior to engaging the Court. FDR can be pursued either through the public system, Relationships Australia, or through private mediation avenues, such as the Mediation Collective Read More.
COVID-19 vaccination is a significant area of contention in the current climate of the pandemic. Decisions regarding the vaccination of your child may be affected by parenting disputes and discrepancies in opinion surrounding the COVI-19 vaccine. The Court will often align their decision with current public policy and health advice and the expert opinion of medical professionals. At this point in time, the current public health regime and opinion of medical professionals supports the vaccination of your child and considers it to be in their best interests. Read More.
Earlier this year, Partner Reece Ramsden and Associate Sophie Goossens were invited to shed light on the prominent topic ‘Same-sex Parents who Separate: Who gets the children', with the notable BenchTV. Read More.
Going through a separation or divorce with a child or children can raise all sorts of questions regarding your financial stability. In order to ensure that your child/ren are well maintained and cared for, you may need to discuss child support with your ex-partner. We explore in what circumstances does child support have to be paid, how you can apply, how it is assessed and the different methods of collection. Read More.
A child’s relationship with their stepparent or grandparent is something to be cherished as both meaningful and significant. If you are experiencing conflict in your relationship or family unit, you may want to consider what your rights are in relation to spending time with your stepchild or grandchild. The Ramsden Lawyers team explores how the law and Court deal with stepparents and grandparents in relation to parenting. Read More.