Coercive Control

New Coercive Control Laws in New South Wales and What Do They Mean For Family Law


New coercive control laws in New South Wales are transforming how domestic violence is addressed in both criminal and family law. Designed to protect victims and hold offenders accountable, the full impact of these changes is yet to be unveiled. In this article, Lawyer Avalon Carnall explores how these laws influence parenting and property disputes, providing valuable insights for those navigating family law challenged. Read More.

Grandparent Rights - Child Custody

Grandparents Rights in Australia: Custody and Access Explained


Family breakdowns or disputes can see the disruption of relationships with other significant members of a child’s life, including a connection with their grandparents. As a result, the Court recognises this important relationship between a grandparent and a grandchild and offers grandparents the rights to seek access through applying for parenting consent orders. This article explores the legal framework surrounding the rights of grandparents in family law proceedings. Read More.

Parenting Plan and Parenting Consent Orders

What is a Parenting Consent Order versus a Parenting Plan?


In Australian family law, parents navigating post-separation arrangements have two primary options for formalising their parenting agreements: Parenting Consent Orders and a Parenting Plan. While both aim to ensure the well-being and best interests of the child, they differ significantly in terms of legal enforceability and flexibility. This article explores the differences between these two options, helping parents understand which might be more suitable for their situation based on factors like enforceability, flexibility, and the level of formal legal involvement required. Read More.

Independent Children's Lawyer

What is an Independent Children's Lawyer and Their Role?


In family law proceedings, the best interests of the child are paramount throughout any considerations. The Independent Children’s Lawyer plays a fundamental role in representing and promoting these interests. They offer an impartial and independent perspective to any decisions and arrangements proposed during your family law matter. This article will navigate the role and responsibilities of the ICL, as well as tips for preparing your child prior meeting with an ICL. Read More.

Superannuation Splitting - Family Law

Is Superannuation Split After A Separation? Understanding The Family Law Process


When it comes to financial matters, navigating a separation or divorce can be an overwhelming experience. One significant aspect that often arises is superannuation, or retirement savings. This article will explore whether superannuation can be split after a separation in Australia, how it works, and things you may need to consider during this process. Read More.

Understanding How Family Lawyers Charge


Family law matters can be both emotionally and financially challenging to navigate. At Ramsden Family Law, we understand that seeking legal assistance comes with significant considerations on how family lawyers charge for their services. This article delves into the different fee structures used by family lawyers, what to expect in terms of costs and examples to assist you in making informed decisions. Read More.

Transferring Real Estate

Transferring Real Estate Between Separating Spouses


A common aspect of family law property settlements between separating spouses is the transfer of properties into the sole ownership of one party. This could involve a jointly owned home or an investment property. The settlement might include a financial payment to the other spouse and the refinancing of the mortgage secured against the property. In this article, Special Counsel Matthew Shepherd provides a step-by-step explanation of how this process works in practice. Read More.

The Family Law Guide to Surrogacy in Australia


Surrogacy has become an increasingly popular option for couples and individuals looking to expand their families in Australia. Read More.

AI In Family Law

How Will AI Impact Family Law, or Relationships Generally?


With the latest technological advancements shifting towards AI, the question arises: how can AI be used in family law matters? This article explores the potential and challenges of AI in family law, particularly in drafting Affidavits and communication. While AI can assist self-represented parties in creating Affidavits and help lawyers identify legal precedents efficiently, there are significant risks. Special Counsel Daniel Rod explains the potential risks and ethical concerns associated with this development. Read More.