Matthew Shepherd has specialised in family law since 1990. He was accredited as a family law specialist by the New South Wales Law Society in 1996. Matthew is also a highly experienced family law mediator, family dispute resolution practitioner, arbitrator and collaborative practitioner.
Whilst Matthew is an experienced court advocate, he helps most of his clients reach good agreements through dispute resolution processes other than court. He works with clients to consider not only the best legal and financial outcomes for their family, but also to consider the best dispute resolution process to achieve those outcomes. The choice of dispute resolution process has a big impact on the quality of agreements reached and how well they are implemented. Matthew has a Masters of Dispute Resolution (Honours) from the University of Technology Sydney, where he taught Dispute Resolution Advocacy from 2014 to 2020. Here are some of Matthew’s published writings on family law, negotiation and dispute resolution.
In addition to acting for one of the separating parties, Matthew can also work with both parties as a mediator to help them reach fair agreements about their children and finances. Mediation can occur with just the parties, or alternatively with their lawyers also attending. As family dispute resolution practitioner registered with the Australian Attorney General, Matthew can issue certificates advising courts that the parties have participated in mediation about arrangements for their children.
Matthew Shepherd is also a registered family law property arbitrator. If both parties consent to enter into an agreement to participate in arbitration, Matthew can conduct a hearing and issue an arbitral award which is binding and can be registered with the Family Court. Arbitration provides a financial settlement quickly and privately.
Contact Matthew and the Ramsden Family law team today.
Matthew can offer normally dates for pre meetings within a few days, and for joint mediations sessions within a few weeks.
Here is Matthew’s availability for joint sessions.
As a mediator and dispute resolver.
Short videos from Matthew on mediation, negotiation and dispute resolution process options.